The Expo Legal Roundtable Brunch brings Expo attendees together with industry attorneys who briefly summarize very complex legal issues and judicial decisions for informational purposes only. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IS INTENDED TO PROVIDE NEITHER AN EXHAUSTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE MATTERS DISCUSSED, NOR TO BE CONSTRUED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, AS LEGAL ADVICE. Laws vary by state and municipality. Attendees are strongly encouraged to consult their attorneys, accountants, and other professionals for specific advice on specific issues that may affect their businesses, and only on the basis of individualized advice make decisions as to what measures to take on any specific issue. The positions and opinions expressed by the attorneys are their own and do not represent those of their clients or ED Publications, the producer of the Gentlemen’s Club Expo. BY ATTENDING THE ROUNDTABLES, PARTICIPANTS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY UNDERSTAND THE LIMITATIONS AND SCOPE OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED, AND ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ANY MATTER DISCUSSED IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.